

The Wagner Piano Method offers the beginning student the best chance for success because of 3 things:

1. IMPROVEMENT, MEANING, AND PURPOSE - The Wagner Method is so logical and user friendly, that student success becomes addictive. Improvement is motivating. Students find meaning in the awareness that they are musical. Exploring and discovering the depths of one’s own talent, as well as sharing in music of composers throughout the ages, gives lessons and practice a purpose.

2. SELF ESTEEM - Realistic goals and appropriate rewards build the feeling of esteem as the student gains skill and confidence. The use of accompaniment CD’s and teacher accompaniments make each song, even the simplest songs the students play at the beginning stages, sound fantastic.

3. LOVE AND BELONGING - By incorporating the parents and peers, the child experiences music as a social and family-inclusive endeavor. Parents learn their role as helper and encourager and understand the Wagner Method because of Wagner’s propitiatory Parent Pages and direct participation.

The Wagner Piano Method can be considered the refinement of the elements of many educational systems utilized throughout the years to teach piano. Some have a few, but Wagner’s incorporates them all. Namely, ear-training, composition, improvisation, piano technique, reading, writing, ensemble, singing, rhythmic activities away from the keyboard, duet playing, sight-reading, pattern recognition, chord recognition, movement and listening.